How full is your glass?

My first post of the year mentioned, finding a better balance in 2020 between work and family. I was so delighted with no morning commute.  Little did I know that 2020 would bring this to so many.  Four months into the year we are all working differently, the balance that I sought may not be the reality for many, who are undertaking 3 full time roles of employee, teacher and parent.

We are here!  What are you doing to see this in the most positive light?

My approach is to do what is possible and let the other bits go without guilt.  This might be easier being self-employed, as I will do what I need while being flexible around when I actually work.  I don’t have colleagues, working core hours that I need to be around for.  The part we can all practice is without guilt.  Consider this as a glass half full!

What are you telling yourself about what you have achieved?

  • Focus on the positives, recognise and celebrate these!
  • Focus on what you have done, rather than what you have not.
  • Focus on how well you got your point across on a call, rather than your child sitting on your knee throughout.
  • Focus on balancing all these unplanned, unpredictable events that are happening and celebrate what you have managed to do.

Through celebrating your achievements your energy will flow stronger for the next challenge, improving your resilience and mindset.

From my first post in January, I had imagined I’d be coaching (on the most part face to face), be out connecting with my network and meeting clients.  In reality I am coaching and networking virtually, spending time on the strategic direction of my business, planning and building good foundations for my business.  I am also spending a LOT of time with my young children!

How are you spending your time, while not having face to face contact with teams and colleagues?

  • Could now be the time to invest in yourself?
  • Do you have some space now to redefine the direction of your business to be ready for the new normal?
  • What are your reflections from a personal perspective? What would you like to do more or less of in the future?

Investing in executive coaching and/or leadership facilitation can create clarity, that in turn accelerates business delivery that has a direct impact on the bottom line.

If these questions have illuminated some thoughts, please get in touch to start exploring how you and your business can be fit to bounce back quickly with clarity and inspiring leadership.

Do get in touch at +447976571937 or

Stay calm, fit and well.

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