Zia Savel Ltd Executive Coach Executive Facilitator Systemic Team Coach Career Coaching Aberdeen Scotland UK ICF International Coaching Federation Qualified Coach Coach in Supervision Professional Coach Improved Performance through coaching

How to manage your Mother Lode

A client used the term ‘mother lode’ recently.

This is not a term I was aware of, until we explored and discovered all the things in the client’s head.  There was work, home, children, pets, parents, holiday planning, chores, logistics, food, travel tickets, washing, exercise, and the load continues.

My ‘mother lode’ that week included organising out of school club, activities, car services, fuel delivery, boiler service and chimney sweep!

‘Mother lode is defined as a large or abundant supply of something, typically things of great value.’

Amongst all the life chores, we need to show up to work and perform.  In personal and professional environments, we should step back, take some time to prioritise and declutter.

Surrounded with lists and tasks?

Tips to clear the way:

  • Step back, take time to clarify the key important areas to work on and delegate.  Delegation can feel like passing on your work, but if you spend a small amount of time preparing the recipient for the delegation, it can save your time in the longer term and also engage a team member to grow.  Delegation empowers and develops others, while providing a sense of achievement in ourselves.
  • Establish what is essential now – I can create extensive expectations for myself, but when I explore what is essential the tasks are actually more achievable than I had perceived.
  • Talk to someone – I had a client who was overwhelmed, we used a meditation technique to calm things down before we started exploring.  I listened to the client and what they were finding challenging.  The client said, ‘if a friend came to me with this, I know exactly what I would say to them.’  I jumped on this and asked to write down what the client would say to the friend in their context.  Without realising the client had written a simple, achievable and caring list that could be implemented immediately.  Stepping back, saying things out loud and gaining new perspectives can slow things down.

A book that is an insightful read on this topic is Essentialism by Greg McKeown.

Today’s blog has a dual purpose at work and home.  Reduce your ‘mother lode’ and help others develop.


Is your mother lode is taking over?  If so get in touch with Zia to explore what is essential and will positively impact you  zia@ziasavel.com

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